Much of the success of swing trading lies in the quantities that you trade as a proportion of your total available to trade. Consider that if you are a beginning investor, you have a limited amount of money to trade, say a few thousand dollars. If you go out and get aggressive, move all of the money into a few quick trades looking for the crest of a wave you might end up wiping most or all of your money in fairly short order. This might tend to get you thinking that you need to use a small portion. That will definitely be a safer approach, but you will have less chance of making a good profit. If you only take a small proportion of the account and put it into a stock that you have correctly identified as being on an up trend then you might have missed on some large gains. If you are new to the market you might have to prepare yourself for the fact that you need to be a little more conservative and build up that account before becoming too aggressive and finding yourself right out of the market.
The objective of swing trading is to act upon short term price changes. In order to do this it is important to understand the nature of the market movement. Swing trading is largely related to range trading; the Penny Stocks is assumed to fluctuate within a certain range and will not likely go outside this range. In the realm of day trading this would be a little easier to do because you are aware that the trending in the market will not have an effect. The time frame is simply too short. With swing trading you are trying to do this range trading but you must also be aware if the range is moving in an upward or downward trend.
Trying too hard to maximize the profit in swing trading can be a mistake. The main objective here is to sell something for more than you paid. When you are holding a stock and it has risen in price, you are left with the decision of trying to figure out whether it will rise further or if it will drop back to its original price or lower. Sometimes it is the best strategy to get out and make sure that you have made a profit on this stock. If you get too greedy you might wipe out the gains that you have made. For more details please visit
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